Sunday, April 21, 2013

Let's do this again!!

So it's been a good long while since I've even updated this!! I was thinking that maybe I should do this again! Stuck between 150-155 and want to get rid of at least 15-20 more. Been doing Crossfit which I dearly love and just started kickboxing! However, I REAALLYYY need to start watching what I eat too:). So here I go again! No sugars, carbs only in morning and no soda..(that will kill me:)) I do have a competition on may 18 that I need to be ready for so this will help!

Lets get it started! 7lbs or 7in and my reward is a facial!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Newest Pic...

Here is my newset one and still at the same frickin weight! However lost another 3.5 inches and 2 were in my hips so I guess that is a plus:) I'll just keep pluging along!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

You know...

You know it's a compliment when your husband wants you to put on your dress so that he can 'help' you undress :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

New Total...

Ish took the picture for me and I appreciate it.. Love the new dress outfit that I got again from EXPRESS...(again love Erik there!!) However, I do need to take it back and get a smaller size:)

Okay so for the past two months I still have been working out again like crazy so I have lost another 2.5 inches but no weight..that's okay I will still work at it and see what happens..

I am doing a challenge with a several others and hope to see a change also with things (no sugar.. eep!!)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Total for 2010

Is there a reason that I cannot get a good pic taken of me? Oh , wait..because my children are freaks! Calder took this one and didn't know how..whatever..sooooooo

Here are my final totals for 2010--

lbs lost-50

This is actually a dress that I bought for Haley, and because I fit in it.(it's a little big in the waist/hips area..and to be fair it would have been big on Haley also) is mine now. I can also tell you that I thought I would be happy at a each (oh i lost 20lbs I'm good..etc..)I am not.


Always have been, just now I get to work a little harder to achieve it. I love to look good and LOVE LOVE LOVE being able to shop at Express, (those that live in NM, the Express in Cottonwood and see Erik..HE ROCKS)and being hit on by 26 year olds doesn't hurt either:)
I get a lot of ..'Oh my gosh, I didn't recognize you!'..Gotta love that! But how sad that I was that big to begin with:)!

I still want 10-15 and then tighten with weight training. It will take me a while to do it, that's okay. I will see where my body stalls and when I am not eating as much as I want to or what I want to then I know I need to pull back. As for now, let's just see what happens:)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

5 more pounds gone!

Another personal shopper at Express (which I love and now that can be there again) helped me pick it out..He's AWESOMEEEEEE! I still want to lose 20lbs more!!

Loves to all...

Monday, October 4, 2010

40lbs and 30 inches

Can you believe it!! We were going to dinner with some friends and thought I would get the pic taken! I am so excited. Chris actually said that he 'can finally tell im losing weight' REALLY after 40lbs..Whatever!

I have been training clients like crazy and also teaching spin, I am tired and I have two clients that finish up at the end of the month so I can have some time to sleep!

I still have about 10 to go although I would like to drop another 15-20..We will see I just love food to much not to eat it though!

For all of you who are keeping it going! Dig Deep and continue, its way worth it!
